A Ilha de Santa Catarina, onde está situada a maior parte de Florianópolis (Floripa), foi eleita pelo guia de viagem “1000 Great Holiday Ideas” (“1000 Grandes Ideias de Férias”) da marca inglesa Time Out, como uma das dez ilhas mais fascinantes do mundo. A listagem inclui também as seguintes ilhas: Lampedusa, na Itália; Cape Breton, no Canadá; Ilha de Chiloé, no Chile; Ilha Christmas, na Austrália; Curaçao, na Venezuela; Ilha de Páscoa, no Chile; Faroé, na Noruega; Porto Rico, no Caribe; e Vanuatu, na Austrália.
O guia comenta que a Ilha de Santa Catarina tem sido popular entre argentinos e gaúchos, tem praias de areias claras, casas de veraneio, e é mais segura e luxuosa do que praias da zona tropical.
Floripa among the ten most fascinating islands in the world.
The Santa Catarina island, which is situated the bulk of Florianopolis (Floripa), was elected by the guidebook "1000 Great Holiday Ideas" of UK brand Time Out , as one of the ten most fascinating islands in the world.
The listing also includes the following islands: Lampedusa, Italy; Cape Breton, Canada; Chiloe Island, Chile, Christmas Island, Australia, Curaçao, Venezuela, Easter Island, Chile, Faroe, Norway, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and Vanuatu, Australia.
According to the Time Out Guide
"First claimed by the Spanish in 1542 and later passed to the Portuguese along with the rest of Brazil, this island has long been popular with Argentinians and with Brazil’s gauchos – those who dwell in the not very tropical southern ranching provinces. It ticks all the Brazilian boxes – sugar-sand beaches, summerhouses and beach volleyball with bikini-clad sun worshippers – and is safer and more chic than the beaches in the tropical zone." (1000 Great Holiday Ideas - Time Out )
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Foto: Floripa - Vista Aérea |
Foto: Ilha do Campeche - Floripa |
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